ConDiscordia Links!

Hello MES!!

Below you will find all of the links to all of the things that have to do with Con Discordia. We are working on creating a website where you can find all of these links, which I will post once it’s completed. A couple of items are indeed missing, and those items as well as what is presented here will be put up on the website as soon as they are finalized.

NSS & VSS’s:


Con Discordia 2023 Registration Form:

Additionally, the Board of Directors, the NST, and the NC have each requested a Q&A session during the convention. Here are the Google form you can use to submit questions ahead of the con. Each of these forms will close in one week’s time (Thursday, May 11th) in order to give each office time to process questions. Each officer may take additional questions as time permits during their respective Q&A. Also, we will be recording these
sessions and making them available to the club as a whole. Please note that this does not replace the required Q&A the Board of Directors is obligated to hold during our annual MES Con event. The game schedule will not change, we are working the Q&A’s around the existing game schedule, which will be finalized next week.

NC Q&A Form:

NST Q&A Form:

BoD Q&A Form:

Lastly, the server is not ready to receive people yet. We will be giving the invite link at some point next week. You must have a current and active MES Membership OR a Trial Membership in order to attend Con Discordia 2023.

Jeremy “Geo” Giannetti
Modern Enigma Society
National Convention Administrator